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January 24 is Global Belly Laugh Day

Celebrate the Great Gift of Laughter 

On January 24 at 1:24 p.m. (local time) smile, throw your arms in the air and laugh out loud.
Join The Belly Laugh Bounce Around the World.

World Clock
Print a Global Belly Laugh Day Poster

Global Belly Laugh Day, January 24 is a healthy, happy,
high achieving, laugh with me, 21st century holiday.
Positive Laughter fuels positive energy, connection and creativity.

On January 24, Global Belly Laugh Day
laughing and smiling are encouraged and celebrated!

   Thoughts from around the world - What is Laughing?

Belly Laugh Day, January 24 is listed in:
Chase's Calendar of Events published by Rowman and Littlefield's Bernan Press
The Global Belly Laugh Day Symbol is a smiling sun with 7 rays and dimples with the numbers 1 and 24. 
Global Belly Laugh Day is celebrated on the seven continents at 1:24 p.m. (local time)

Laughs and smiles are sunshine that transform our moments
24 hours a day, 7 days a week on the 7 continents.

Celebrate Past Laughs on Global Belly Laugh Day, January 24

"Our sense of humor helps us cope with the mounting daily stress we all find in our lives today; it sustains the spirit of joy, aliveness and hope, even on our toughest days." 
Paul McGhee, Ph.D. 
Laughter Remedy

Remember the Funny Moments of Global Belly Laugh Day, January 24

From VIA Institute on Character - Humor falls under the virtue category of Transcendence. Transcendence describes strengths that provide a broad sense of connection to something higher in meaning and purpose than ourselves.

Retell a funny story from the past:

What helped you to laugh?

Where were you?

Who were you with?
What smells do you remember?

What sounds do you remember?

We remember the people in our life past and present who smile and laugh with us.

We remember the "now" I can laugh at those moments.

Retell the stories of  the funny things from the past that turned

the "Not So Perfect" event into the event "We Really Love to Remember".

"Laughter is an instant vacation and a smile is a little curve that straightens everything out."

"Living Artfully reminds us to explore and experience life with more heart, meaning, purpose and joy." Sandra Magsamen

Connect with Positive Laughter on Global Belly Laugh Day,  January 24

"Oh frabjous day, callooh, callay!" Lewis Carroll

Global Belly Laugh Day, January 24 Actions

For me a hearty belly laugh is one of the beautiful sounds in the world."
Bennett Cerf

"Levity is good. Levity reduces fear and relieves tension."
The Terminator in Terminator 3

Wake Up Laughing on Belly Laugh Day, January 24
Wake up with a smile. 
The minute your feet hit the floor, smile some more.
The first time you look at yourself in the mirror
smile, giggle, medium laugh, laugh heartily to wake up your laugh.
Read The Laughing and Smiling Oaths 
Do the Jumping for Joy Jubilee Belly Laugh Energy Recipe
 Greet the people you meet with a high five and say
"It's a Belly Laugh Day!
ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,,,,,"

Belly Laugh Day, January 24 in the car 

Laugh All the Way to/from School/Work/Errands:
Smile at every stop sign.
Laugh out loud:
hee, hee, hee, hee, hee,
ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,
ho, ho, ho, ho, ho
at every stop. 
Every time you see a car (you choose the color) 
sing out a word like, asparagus, arugula, artichoke.
Work your way through the alphabet.

Belly Laugh Day,  January 24 during the day
On January 24 at 1:24 p.m. (local time) smile, throw your arms in the air and laugh out loud.
Join the Belly Laugh Bounce Around the World.
Phone a friend and laugh with them at 1:24 p.m. (local time). 
Join The Belly Laugh Bounce Around the World.

Greet the people you meet with a high five and say
"It's a Belly Laugh Day!
ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,,,,,"

 The Science of a Smile by Shawn Achor

Move playfully by dancing (such as tap dance with quarters taped to your feet)
Learn The Popcorn Dance 
Laugh while hula hooping

Change your name for the day
Reverse roles at home/work for 15 minutes during the day
Read aloud a fun, playful children's picture book such as 
Ned the Knitting Pirate by Diana Murray ; illustrated by Leslie Lammle

To experience 14 positive emotions try:

Playful inquiry -- try this anywhere: Robyn Stratton-Berkessel at TEDxNavesink

Make a Laughter Family Tree -Record each of the family members laughing.

Ask Aunts, Uncles, Cousins about fun family traditions and stories which help all laugh.

Play the Name the Person Laughing Game:

Each of us has a unique laugh.
Sit in the room.
Turn off the lights.
Each person laughs one at a time. 

Can you identify the person laughing?

Create and Write a A to Z group story: 

Beginning with letter a as the first word of first sentence.
Each person write one sentence of the story.

Create a laughing drawer. 
Smile and laugh out loud each time you open the drawer. 

Read The Laughing and Smiling Oaths
Do The Jumping for Joy Jubilee Belly Laugh Energy Recipe

Tap into your Playful Intelligence 
Anthony DeBenedet, M.D., Playful Intelligence: The Power of Living Lightly in a Serious World.

"Laughter is one of nature’s brightest brainstorms.
Something that can help you not only relax but also connect with a friend, bond with a baby ... is clearly one of nature's brightest little brainstorms and not, after all, one of its little jokes."
"The Funny Thing about Laughter"  by Jeffrey Kluger
Time Magazine, January 18, 2005 
Sing and Dance on Global Belly Laugh Day,  January 24
Create a playful song list with songs from multiple decades:
1934 - Inka Dinka Doo by Ben Ryan and Jimmy Durante
1939 - Merry Ol' Land of Oz by Harold Arlen
1947 - With a Hey and a Hi and a Ho Ho Ho! by Louis Prima
1948 - Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo
1958 - Rockin' Robin 
1964 - Dancing in the Street by Martha and the Vandellas
1965 - Colour My World by Petula Clark
1967 - Laughing Gnome by David Bowie
1969- Here Comes the Sun by George Harrison
1975 - Gratitude by Earth, Wind and Fire
1975 - Sing a Song by Earth, Wind and Fire 
1976 - Sir Duke by Stevie Wonder
1978 - Groove Line by Heatwave
1979 - Always Look on the Bright Side of Life by Monty Python
1980 - Celebration by Kool and the Gang
1980 - Coming Up by Paul McCartney
1993 -  Turn the Beat Around by Gloria Estefan 
2000 - Cha Cha Slide by Mr. C
2002 - Hot Hot Hot from the movie Bend It Like Beckham
2006 - Stomp by The Brothers Johnson - Akeelah and the Bee movie
2015 - Better When I'm Dancing by Meghan Trainor -The Peanuts Movie

Fuel Positive Emotions

Where Do We Get The Fuel to Thrive and Flourish?

We have -- within us -- the fuel to thrive
and to flourish.

Where is this fuel within us?
We tap into it whenever we feel energized
and excited by new ideas.

We tap into it whenever we feel at one
with our surroundings.

We tap into it whenever we feel playful,
creative, or silly. 

We tap into it whenever we feel our soul stirred
by the sheer beauty of existence.

We tap into it whenever we feel connected
to others and loved.

In short, we tap into it whenever positive emotions
resonate within us.

When positive emotions are in ample supply we take off.
We become generative, creative, resilient,
ripe with possibility and beautifully unpredictable.

Authored by:
Barbara L. Fredrickson, Ph.D.
Kenan Distinguished Professor of Psychology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 
Website: The Positive Emotions and Psychophysiology Laboratory
University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill 

Fuel Your Natural Ability to Laugh and Smile
Mayo Clinic describes the health benefits of laughing. 

Knowing your are going to laugh reduces stress hormones.

When you bring your smile and your laugh to your daily life you charge your positive energy, connection, creativity, progress and potential.

Health Benefits of Laughter 

The Science of a Smile by Shawn Achor

Smile and Laugh to Uplift Your Spirit

Smile and Laugh to Uplift Your Spirit

The priest says, "Please, give us the gift of laughter at a time when we need it".

Celebrations of Global Belly Laugh Day, January 24 

Tanzania 2007

San Diego 2009

Netherlands 2014

Antarctica 2018

Global Belly Laugh Day,  January 24

January 24 Global Belly Laughs

with Great Britain Athletes

The Laughing Oath

I do solemly swear from this day forward

To grease my giggling gears each day
And to wear a grin on my face for no reason at all!
I promise to tap my funny bone often,
With children, family, friends, colleagues and clients,
And to laugh at least fifteen times per day.
I believe that frequent belly laughter
Cures terminal tightness, cerebral stiffness,
And hardening of the attittudes,
And that HA HA often leads to AHA!
Therefore, I vow, from this day forth,
To brighten the day of everyone I meet,
And to laugh long and prosper.

 with permission from:
The Laughing Classroom
by Diana Loomans and Karen Kolberg


The Big Smiling Oath

I do unsolemnly swear,
To turn up each side of my mouth,
And to smile as often as possible,
I agree to laugh several times daily.
And to give and receive at least three hugs per day!
I vow to have frequent bouts of silliness,
And more happiness for no reason.
From this day forth,
I promise to laugh long and prosper.

 with permission from:
What All Children Want Their Parent to Know:
12 Keys to Raising a Happy Child

by Diana Loomans with Julia Godoy

Jumping for Joy Jubilee

Belly Laugh Energy

Belly Laugh Energy Recipe 1

Piles of Smiles
Playful laughs
Mix a batch of playful laughs and smiles with glee.
On the count of three.

1, 2, 3
Poppity pop, pop open your smile.  Touch your left hand to your right knee.
 Laugh hee hee hee hee hee hee hee as you raise your left arm to the sky.
 Lower your left arm.

Touch your right hand to your left knee.
Laugh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
as you raise your right arm to the sky.
Lower your right arm.

Raise both arms to the sky.

Laugh ho ho ho ho with gusto.

Belly Laugh Energy Recipe 2 Ingredients:

Piles of Smiles
Playful laughs
Mix a batch of playful laughs and smiles with glee.

Press your laugh rewind key and laugh

ha ha ha, hee hee hee, ho ho ho backward –
 ahahahaha, eeheeheehhe, ohohohoh
Press your laugh fast forward key and laugh

ha ha ha, hee hee hee, ho ho ho really fast.
hahahahahaha, heeheeheeheehee, hohohohoh


Global Belly Laugh Day was created by Elaine Helle in June, 2005.
Elaine thought we celebrate love, give thanks, recognize flossing (day after USA Thanksgiving) why don't we celebrate the great gift of laughter?
Thus Global Belly Laugh Day, January 24 was born.
Joy is a strength. Smiling and laughing uplift the spirit.

Elaine Helle 
Laugh (and more) for the Health of It
Connection. Positive Energy. Creativity.
Brain on Positive. Heart on Positive. Present-Engaged-Progressing.
Elaine is a Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher.
Certified by Dr. Madan Kataria, founder of Laughter Yoga.

Contact : (unless you have bellyaches)
If you have bellyaches or other conditions, seek expert assistance,

counseling, the services of a medical professional.